Rainbow Songs Foundation

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Singing Makes You Hungry

This week I was excited to see some familiar faces and catch up with some residents from the previous session. They explained that they haven't attended class this session because they have been busy preparing their families to move out in the coming weeks. Even though I will be sad to see them go, I realize that this is part of the journey as an RSF teacher. I also met a new resident who seemed quite nervous and shy. I noticed that her young boy was upset and crying so, after introducing myself, I showed him a turtle puppet that I had brought along. I showed him how to hide the turtle deep inside his shell and peek-a-boo on the count of 1... 2... 3... “Peek-A-Boo!” It was nice to see him smile. Other children seemed curious about my animal friend so after The Hello Song I began the class with The Turtle Song.

I kept the animal theme going with a review of Johnny Didn't Have Any Breakfast and afterwards took an animal-themed boat ride with Row Row Row Row Your Boat, seeing crocodiles and tigers along the way. Keeping things moving with The Wheels On The Bus, I Wake Up My Hands, Shake Your Sillies Out and Zoom Zoom Zoom took some effort on my part, due to the lack of participation and discipline from the grownups (who seemed slightly distracted today,) but I was able to get everyone refocused with one of my favourite activities, Rolling The Ball. They did such a good job that I then brought out the Bean Bag and we practiced keeping the beat as we shared with our neighbour.

It was time for the instrument of the week, and I brought out the Gong with much fanfare. I found an amazing recording of the Chinese Orchestra that I used as background music to set the mood. As we passed the instrument around I had one mom exclaim, "This is so relaxing!" It was music to my ears! After a couple over-zealous gong players decided that it would be a good idea to play the gong as loud as possible, we put it away and brought out the big bag of instruments.