Short but Sweet!

Today’s class had to end a few minutes early, as our participants had to leave for an appointment, but we more than made up for the shortened class in terms of energy and enthusiasm! I’m seeing a lot of parental effort going into learning the lyrics and signs, and the kids don’t need any reminders to be engaged. They seem to be taking very well to as many movement songs as possible (no surprise, given how much we’re all inside these days). They were even on their feet for non-movement songs! I’ll be sure to work as many into the repertoire as I can, and sing some extras next week to make sure everybody gets all the music they signed up for!

Moving All Around

This week we were joined by a few new friends on Zoom. In addition to a new ECE instructor, we were greeted by one participant’s extremely enthusiastic older cousin, who added lots of bouncing levity to the class. I’m pleasantly surprised by how well connected these classes feel, even over Zoom, and our participants are focused on the songs and participate in all the lyrics and actions, and don’t seem to get tired of them! In these classes, “Zoom fatigue” is nowhere to be found! We had lots of movement and clapping songs to keep the energy up, and were joined by another very enthusiastic friend who logged in late into the class, so I added a few extra songs at the end to make sure everybody got a good amount of singing in. Looking forward to next week!

Hopeful and Happy Beginnings

Even though we were located at opposite ends of the city, the participants in our first Zoom class were immediately enthusiastic and engaged! One of the participants was the ECE Coordinator at the Raddison, who fully sang along and did all of the hand signs and actions, so she would be well versed in the material to share with kids throughout the week (#musiceveryday). The focus was really on one participant and his mom, who was juggling holding her child and her phone, moving around the Plaza trying to get the best internet reception, without missing a beat on the songs. It was so nice to see mom and child connecting with each other through music, even from across the city. Hopefully next week we’ll be joined by even more folks looking for some time to connect!

Infectious Enthusiasm!

Though things started off a bit shy in the class, as parents and kids filtered in over the first few songs, the energy started to pick up. In particular, there was one parent who was new to the class, and he was clapping, smiling, and shouting “alright!” during all the songs.  His energy definitely translated to the other parents in the room, which is always a magical phenomenon.

A Raucous Return!

It was so great to be back with the kids at the Plaza after a couple weeks out of town.  They were enthusiastic and ready to sing when I got in, though I did notice that it took a little longer than usual to get things focused after excited moments throughout the class.  However, the kids are clearly invested in participating in these classes (often giving commentary such as highlighting that monkeys don’t just jump, they climb too).  One of their favourite participatory parts of the class is helping to bring out the instrument bag before the jam, which ended up in a 9-kid pile up on the way back. Luckily nobody got hurt and it was all in good fun. The music bag is like a celebrity to them!

A New Request

The group at the Plaza was fantastic as always this week; engaged, responsive, and clearly picking up on the songs more and more.  The staff member there told me that earlier in the week, she heard the kids singing the Little Green Frog song on their own, and that the parents love hearing it. As the kids are becoming more familiar with the repertoire, they’re adding to it as well! At the end of the class, the kids were asking me if I knew any songs from Masha and the Bear (a show that they all love).  I had never heard of it before, but it could be a new surprise repertoire repository for the next jams.

Love is All Around

I’m addicted to the enthusiasm of the kids at the Plaza!  They pick up on songs instantly and the parents seem thrilled to join in.  The kids are especially helpful bringing out the jam bag, and putting everything back (I didn’t even need to help them pick anything up!).  Some of the kids hadn’t heard the 5 Little Monkeys song, but they delighted at making the monkey sounds while jumping around.  It seems like they love everything in the program, and it’s a great feeling to have around the room.

A Rocking Return!

It’s so great to return to the Plaza after what feels like ages! Before we even started the class, some of the kids were singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” with Karen, which was a great sign.  The kids listened and responded very attentively, and were able to repeat rhythms with ease.  We all had a great time on our feet with the “Hokey Pokey”, “5 Little Monkeys”, and “What are You Wearing”, and for IOTW the kids all tapped out the 5 Little Monkeys rhythm on the hand drum.  The parents participated and sang along throughout, and you could feel the positivity in the air.  I’m so happy to be back, and it seems like everyone at the Plaza is too!

A Gregarious Goodbye (for now)

The progress was palpable for the final class of the session at the Plaza. Not only were the kids participating in all of the songs, keeping rhythm and remembering the lyrics, but they were also anticipating and requesting songs throughout the class! The parents were also more engaged this week than they have ever been. I didn’t even need to encourage them to sing! As usual, my guitar remained an object of fascination (and occasional distraction) throughout the class, but hopefully the clappers and recorders that the kids received at the end of class will keep them musically stimulated and encourage their (already incredible) sense of rhythm and melody. I’m definitely going to miss this group, but both parents and shelter workers expressed a desire for Rainbow Songs Foundation to return, so hopefully it won’t be long before we’re singing together again.