Solo Time!

We had mostly older children in the class last night along with our regular 3 year-old (who loves the class and apparently says "music! music!" all day on Thursdays). To cater the material to an older class I asked the older children if they wanted to sing solos in The Wheels on the Bus, and they went for it! I also led them through some ASL hand signs in Hush Little Rooster, and had them take turns with the Chinese gong as the instrument of the week. Another way I involved them was in our movement song, Walk and Stop, in which I asked them to come up with different ways to move. One child recommended "run" and then followed it by "jog," which made us all laugh. Every week I'm finding more and more ways to engage the older crowd. We also had one of the moms dance around on her feet with the tambourine during the jam which was awesome! This is a really nice group!