
Today was the first time we met for music therapy this fall, and there were a few familiar faces. As a way to introduce ourselves to each other, the moms answered the ice breaker question: “If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?” There was laughter in the room and shared connection between the women as they discussed their superpowers and how their lives would be different if they had these superpowers.

We then moved onto a drumming activity where the women got to explore the drum and play a few games. They then played a steady beat on their drums to Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley, and they shared how powerful the lyrics were. To continue exploring songs with powerful lyrics, we sang Stand By Me, Lean On Me, and Three Little Birds

As the session came to a close, we started an activity where the women would create their own superwoman logo with an affirmation of what makes them a superwoman. We will be completing this activity during the following week.