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Some of the families were a bit late to our class this week, so things started off with a mini guitar lesson for the older siblings who arrived early. I showed the kids how to strum with a pick and some simple fretting patterns, and I have no doubt they'd like to learn more. Once the families arrived, there were a lot of babies who were still asleep, but the mom's sang to them regardless, as the lively babies took cues from their older siblings. For our Instrument of the Week we passed around the Vibraslap, which was a huge hit, but the bigger rewards were in how the kids passed it around among themselves without much fuss; they all just seemed happy to get to play with new instruments. The drum prowess of the older kids was very much present during our jam, and we ended off in a good mood as I said goodbye to this group for this part of the fall session. Many thanks to the staff at Robertson House for being so helpful!