Creative Energy in the Round

We had a slightly smaller group of mostly younger school agers this week. They all had a really great, positive energy from the minute we started. We did a bunch of circle games, passing rhythms around, then gradually adding more creative variations, until eventually the kids were doing some amazing combinations of clapping, stomping, dance moves, and vocalizations. We did some breathing and vocal warmups, and then did a listening exercise with the ting shaw bells. After the listening exercise we tried singing in tune with one another, and the kids did a pretty impressive job of pitch matching. One of the kids' favourite songs is Levitating by Dua Lipa, so we listened to the song and picked out some rhythmic and melodic elements to mimic. We divided the room into three, and the kids took turns mimicking each element of the song, followed by a great dance break. We finished off with our Runway game from last week, and the joviality was palpable. It's a really amazing group of kids.