Snap! Snap! Snap!

Repetition is so important when learning music. One of my favourites to repeat is Crocky Crocodile. The children and adults at Humewood House have had time to learn and become familiar with the song. Now whenever we sing it together everyone is free to play and have fun with the song! I love seeing adults getting into the spirit and doing all of the actions, and the kids love it too and show it by "snapping" right back "Snap! Snap! Snap!" 

A New Perspective!

Today at Humewood House (HH) we had a change of location. This was such a great decision. More children were able to participate and more parents attended as well. The staff at HH were excited to receive their RSF CD to play in their classrooms! This was a class where I could feel the love an support from the parents and caregivers as they dove into the music and fun with a lot of positive energy! It so wonderful to have the extra support, and was uplifting to hear all the voices singing together. 

Kitchen Party!

Humewood house is always buzzing when RSF arrives on Thursdays. The staff members and mothers are excited to join in and sing. Their voices fill the circle and get the children on their feet dancing and clapping. The energy is lively and remarkable. Everyone shares instruments and takes their turn. The collaboration makes it feel like a classic kitchen party where the whole community comes together to sing and dance! 

Warming up!

Humewood house was buzzing with smiling faces as they passed by the door of our music class on Thursday. We had 5 toddlers in attendance and they were reserved but curious to start. It took them some time to warm up to the music The grown-ups were enthusiastic and patient and gave the children space to explore the class in their own way. I love seeing this because it means that the children will always feel comfortable in the class. Buy the time the jam bag was opened all of the kiddos were ready to dive in and make some music!