A Family Affair!

After the previous week with light attendance, it was nice to come back to a full room of eager kids and parents at Yorktown. Some of the kids were joined by both parents, and we were joined by our fabulous curriculum developer, who was shadowing the class, and her additional participation helped keep the class even more lively. The energy was high in the room and we did a lot of songs on our feet, and the kids did a wonderful job sharing the giro around the circle for instrument of the week. I normally play songs out of my speaker for the parachute, but didn't have it today, so we were all analog all day. Finishing the class with Twist and Shout, while the kids danced under the parachute, was the perfect way to cap things off.

Private Class!

It was a true "small but mighty" group at Yorktown this week, with one parent and child joining us (the staff member at Yorktown said that the bad weather kept some folks away this time). With a private class, it was great to pay extra attention to the little one and tune in to her favourite songs and favourite ways of engaging with the music. The highlight of the class was the private xylophone lesson, where we made up a counting song along with the notes of the scale, and I wasn't surprised to see how quickly it caught on! Even with such a small group, it still felt like a family bonding experience, and everyone was all smiles :)

Keeping it Classic

Today’s class at Yorktown was ideal: the kids were all smiles, the grownups were engaging with the songs, and it felt like lots of family connection was being made. Early in the class, as some of the parents were chatting, I made a point of encouraging them to participate in the songs a little bit extra, because the more they put in the more the kids will get out of the music, and they seemed very receptive to that. Sometimes parents can check out when their little ones are running around in circles (as was occasionally the case today), but today they kept making an effort to get the kids engaged with the songs without getting frustrated, and it helped keep the energy of the whole class playful and positive :)

Rhythm Games!

Another lovely class with very eager parents! I saw a couple of new faces in the room, and have been quite thrilled with the grown ups' willingness to join into the songs with clapping and actions, and helping their kids clap as well. They're still a bit shy on singing, but tend to join in on the more classic nursery rhymes. Most of the kids were full of happiness and excitement, but one of the older kids seemed to be having a bit of a crying episode. Her dad was loving and encouraging throughout the class, and towards the end she started to crack smiles here and there. She seemed to be having the best time as I brought out the rhythm sticks for some rhythm games and songs, followed by a nice extended jam. Not all parts of the classes click with everyone, but with enough variation in songs and activities, there can always be something to reach everyone!

Full Family Fun

It was so wonderful to see father's joining in the circle alongside the moms this week, as it made for much more grownup participation, and more wholesome musical engagement for the kids. Some of the kids were running around and exploring the architecture of the room, so we did lots of circle songs where we could walk around the pillar in the middle of the room, and the kids had a great time playing hide and seek and peek-a-boo around it. Speaking of which, we had a great round of 5 Little Pumpkins, followed by 5 Little Monkeys, and the kids were very enthusiastic counters! I loved the energy of this class, and hope the same number of grownups show up next week!

A Lovely Return!

I saw some new faces and some familiar faces for RSF's return to Yorktown.  All of the parents were quite keen to be singing, even if they took a few rounds in some songs to pick up on the words. Each time one of their kids reacted with a clap, a wave, or a sound, I could see the parents' faces lighting up, which in turn got them more engaged in the music. I encouraged them to sing with their kids as much as possible on their own time, emphasizing that the more we repeat these songs, the more the kids will react to them with that same enthusiasm, and pick up on the words and melodies sooner than you think. There was even a grandma in the room, and she was one of the liveliest dancers, especially during 5 Little Monkeys! Can't wait to sing more with this group in the coming weeks.

New Location!

We were in a different room today, which was a bit cozier but had more natural light and better acoustics. The same group was there, excited as ever to sing. The division of younger and older kids is working well with this group, and all of them regardless of age are excited for all the movement songs. After an exhausting day of rain and air quality warnings, it felt so relaxing to have some time to just sing as a group.

A Family Affair

It was great to see the same familiar faces back at Yorktown this week, and the kids couldn't be more excited.  We were joined by a grandma and a dad today, and they both brought the energy despite being new to the class. The highlight of the class was dancing to Move on Up by Curtis Mayfield while we shook the parachute to the rhythm, with fast/slow and left/right variations.  It's a long song and normally I fade it out, but this time I kept it going longer than usual because the kids were having such a great time with it.  I'm sad to only have 1 more week with this group, they've been a delight!